Sunday, October 24, 2010

Some useful links

Between them these have almost everything you could want to know:

The Regional and Public Galleries Association of New South Wales
"The Regional and Public Galleries Association of New South Wales represents the 40 member galleries, all of whom are non-profit organisations intent on making important contributions to the cultural life of their regions."

Good one bec. Here are some websites? useful maybe 
thanks for your hard work 

Arts NSW
"Arts NSW is the NSW Government's arts policy and funding body and is a part of the new Communities NSW. Arts NSW aims to foster a spirited arts and cultural environment, which values our artists and our heritage, which builds community, excites our imagination and inspires our future."

Museums & Galleries NSW
"Museums & Galleries NSW (M&G NSW) is the leading agency to develop, support and promote regional, community and public museums and galleries across NSW. We present strategic programs, advocacy and services to a valued, viable and skilled sector."

Regional Arts NSW
"Regional Arts NSW is the peak body for regional arts activity in NSW. 
Based in Sydney, it provides a range of services and represents a state-wide network of Regional Arts Boards (RABs) in the key areas of:

  • Advocacy
  • Capacity building
  • Communications
  • Support"

Regional Arts Australia
"Regional Arts Australia is the key national body representing the broad and complex interests and concerns of those working with and for the arts in regional, rural and remote Australia. "

Information+ Cultural Exchange
"ICE works at the junction of arts, technology and community to empower the creative producers of Western Sydney. Our purpose is to work with communities and creative producers in Western Sydney to create media, art and culture".

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